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I am Luca Dellanna, creator of

I am an independent researcher (which means that I receive no salary) who spent the last year researching autism, coming up with a new theory for it and writing a free guide and a free website to help people affected by autism and their closed ones.

The guide and the website helped many people to increase their quality of life. I am working on this for free – I am not employed and I am spending my own time and resources to make my research, write the guide, maintain the website and help people face-to-face. Your donations will help me dedicate more time to it and help more people (you can read here how I will use your donations).

Some points to clarify why this website is free, whether I get money out of it and how I use the donations.

  • I am not employed (I live as a freelance consultant for some businesses). I spend my own time on this, and no one except from my donors on Patreon pay me for that.
  • This website and the digital version of my book on autism are free. I use money out of my own pocket to pay for their maintenance.
  • I believe that the resources on this website and the Autism Guide should be free, as they can help many people and therefore there should be no barrier for those interested to access them. I prefer to rely on the donations of the few who can afford them rather than on asking everyone to pay a fee and ending up with only the wealthy being able to benefit from my work.
  • I independently published a book on Autism, which is available for free in its digital form.
  • Since I am not being paid for my time spent on this website and making the research that made it possible, I accept donations. This allows the wealthiest readers to support me, while leaving free access to all the resources to the less wealthy ones. These donations go to to the maintenance of this website and to cover my living costs. I honestly pledge that the more donations I will receive, the less I will have to spend my time on generating a personal income and the more I will be able to spend it on helping people affected by autism and their close ones.
  • In case I will not be able to gather enough donations to cover my living costs, I reserve to myself the possibility of delivering paid courses using the resources on this website (while maintaining the website publicly available and free). If, instead, I will be able of gather enough donations to cover my living costs, I pledge to hold these courses for free.
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