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Thanks to Luca Dellanna for his book about autism and ASD. It’s probably one of the best works I have read in that matter (I have read a few) and it’s surprising how realistically he depicts the condition.

Manel Vilar
Ginger T.
Rating: 5

If you know someone with autism,

or Asperger’s syndrome, you will find plenty of free resources which will help you understand how he perceives the world, what causes him anxiety, why he is both gifted and at a disadvantage, and how to best communicate with him and eventually help him.

If you are affected by autism,

or Asperger’s syndrome, on this website you will find plenty of free resources that will help you make sense of the world of neurotypicals (those who are not affected by ASD) and to grow those competencies that will help you to live painlessly in a world which wasn’t designed for you.

If you are a professional

working with people affected by ASD, you will find plenty of free resources which clearly explain ASD and how to communicate with those affected by it.

Why this website?

This website aims to close the gap of understanding between neurotypicals and people with ASD.

So far, ASD have been studied by neurotypical researchers, using the neurotypical view of the world as the central view used as the basis and language to explain autism. This makes it hard. It’s like when astronomers thousands of years ago tried to make sense of planetary orbits using a geocentric view of our solar system (the earth in the center). Consider the image below.

Heliocentrism vs geocentrism
Heliocentrism vs geocentrism

In the image in the right, using the earth as the central reference system makes all the orbits of the other behaviors messy. However, switching to a system where the sun is the central reference system (image on the left) makes all orbits simpler.

Similarly, using the neurotypical view of the world to explain autism makes it appear as a mess of erratic behaviors. However, adopting an autistic view of the world to explain autism makes it extremely simple.

This is the purpose of this website: using an autistic point of view, to explain ASD to neurotypicals, so that they can understand the point of view of people with autism and learn a new communication protocol with which to communicate more effectively with them.

The path to understanding

As a first step, you can download the free book to understand the autistic perception of the world.

Then, you can consult the other free resources of this website, by exploring the menu at the top of every page.

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